Tutorials Look for a precise manipulation or a trick on software



Analyzing a Specification Document with Copilot

Master the art of navigating complex specification documents with Microsoft Copilot in this concise tutorial. Learn how to synthesize essential points, devise a user adoption plan, and optimize licensing strategies with AI-powered insights. Perfect for sales professionals aiming to leverage Microsoft 365 tools efficiently.

  • 02:59

Writing a Business Proposal with Copilot

Discover how to craft compelling business proposals using Microsoft Copilot. This tutorial guides you through integrating client specifications into a structured, impactful proposal under tight deadlines. Explore how AI enhances user profiling and license allocation for a tailored business approach.

  • 03:40

Generating an Executive Summary with Copilot

Create decisive executive summaries that capture and retain client interest using Microsoft Copilot. This tutorial demonstrates how to generate concise, structured summaries that highlight the critical points of business proposals, ensuring your projects stand out in competitive scenarios.

  • 01:46

Boost Your Proposal with Copilot Coaching for Outlook

Enhance your business proposals and emails with Copilot’s advanced coaching features in Outlook. Learn how to fine-tune your communication tone, structure, and content clarity in this tutorial, making every business correspondence impactful and professional.

  • 02:18

Create a Business Presentation Report with Copilot

Learn how to craft engaging business presentations with Microsoft Copilot. This tutorial shows you how to synthesize your proposal into a persuasive PowerPoint presentation, with tips on improving visuals and structuring content for maximum effect.

  • 03:02

Analyzing a Specification Document with ChatGPT

Unlock the potential of ChatGPT for analyzing complex specification documents in this informative tutorial. Learn to extract key information, understand licensing requirements, and strategize user adoption for Microsoft 365 tools efficiently. Ideal for teams aiming to streamline their analysis process.

  • 02:15

Writing a Business Proposal with ChatGPT

Explore the capabilities of ChatGPT in crafting detailed business proposals in this step-by-step tutorial. Understand how to align client needs with your company’s offerings, enhance user profiling, and manage licenses effectively. Essential viewing for professionals looking to refine their proposal writing skills.

  • 02:22

Generating an Executive Summary with ChatGPT

Master the art of creating compelling executive summaries with ChatGPT. This tutorial guides you through structuring concise and impactful summaries that can decide the fate of your business proposals. Learn how to capture a decision-maker’s attention and make a memorable impact.

  • 01:47

Boost Your Proposal with ChatGPT

Enhance your email communications and proposal submissions using ChatGPT in this practical tutorial. Discover how to optimize your emails for clarity, impact, and professionalism. Learn techniques for improving tone, structure, and reader engagement, crucial for successful business correspondence.

  • 02:19

Create a Business Presentation Report with ChatGPT

Prepare powerful business presentations using ChatGPT with this essential tutorial. Learn how to effectively synthesize and present key points from your business proposals in PowerPoint format. Get tips on visual enhancements, content structuring, and delivering persuasive presentations that win over audiences.

  • 02:00

Debriefing a Job Interview with ChatGPT

Discover how ChatGPT can help streamline the job interview debriefing process. Learn how to provide the interview transcript to ChatGPT and save time synthesizing the interview. Find out the next steps in the recruitment process.

  • 1:54

Creating a Welcome Presentation with Copilot

Learn how to create a welcome presentation using Copilot. This presentation will help onboard new hires by providing them with essential information about your company's structure, activities, internal tools, and policies. Start welcoming new arrivals with a professional and informative presentation.

  • 2:30

