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Sharing a file from a smartphone

In this video, you will learn about sharing a file from a smartphone using Microsoft 365. The video covers how to save files directly to OneDrive from the Office application on your smartphone.
It demonstrates how to access your OneDrive storage space and find the desired file.
You can then preview the file and share it with others by entering their names or email addresses.
This feature allows for remote collaboration and easy access to your documents from any device.
Sharing files from your smartphone using Microsoft 365 will enhance your productivity and enable seamless collaboration.
  • 2:28

Using Excel on a phone

In this video, you will learn about using Excel on a phone.
The video covers how to create an Excel spreadsheet on your smartphone using the application and save it to your OneDrive storage.
It also demonstrates how to use calculation functions like SUM and find functions easily sorted into categories.
Additionally, it shows how to share the document with colleagues and access advanced functions online.
This tutorial will help you effectively use Excel on your phone and improve your productivity.
  • 3:47

OneDrive & Office Lens – Complete your expense form in 2 min!

In this video, you will learn about OneDrive and Office Lens, and how they can help you complete your expense form quickly.
OneDrive is a free application that you can link to your Microsoft 365 account.
With Office Lens, you can easily scan your receipts and tickets by taking a picture with your phone.
The application automatically centers the document and allows you to photograph multiple documents in a row.
You can then save all your receipts in a single PDF file and share it with your accountant through OneDrive.
Office Lens also transcribes the text content of the photos, making it easy to copy and paste without errors.
This tool will save you time and make it easier to collaborate with your accountant.
  • 2:03

OneDrive – Find all the documents someone shared with you

In this video, you will learn how to find all the documents that someone has shared with you using OneDrive.
The video demonstrates how to access the Shared menu in Office 365 and filter the documents by the name of the person who shared them.
It also shows how to view the last modifications made and by whom.
This tutorial will help you easily locate and manage shared documents in OneDrive, making collaboration more convenient.
  • 1:37

